by Darke County Crime Stoppers | Dec 11, 2023 | Captured
Probation Warrant
lka 115 East Lower Street
Union City, Oho 45390
Date of Birth: 11-22-1992
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 170
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Chest: Several Skulls, “Life is a Struggle”, a Star with “Brandolyn”, several stars, “Zach
Rib (Right): “Can’t escape the past or all the lessons learned. Even in the darkness the __ of hope. . .”
Rib (left): Ohio, AB
Right Elbow: Star
Right Forearm: Rose made with $100 bills
Back: “Bad News”
Left Arm: (Inner) “A friend of the World is an Enemy of God”, a woman
Left Arm: (Inner Forearm): Gates with water coming down, a woman
Behind Left Ear: AB

by Darke County Crime Stoppers | Nov 21, 2023 | Captured
Miranda Cheadle
Wanted for a Probation Violation
lka: 449 East Third Street, Greenville, Ohio
DOB: 04/12/1992
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Hgt: 5’2″
Wgt: 150
Back: Diamond Banner
Neck: (Back) Hourglass
Right Front Shoulder: Dream Catcher
Left Hip/Thigh: Flowers
Left Wright: ”Hammer”

by Darke County Crime Stoppers | Nov 21, 2023 | Captured
Justin Canan
Wanted for a Probation Violation
6165 W. Farrington
Road, Covington, Ohio
DOB: 05-02-1985
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brown
Hgt: 5’5″
Wgt: 135
Tattoo: Inside Right Forearm: Fish in the Shape of an Anchor
Front Right Ankle: “Stay”
by Darke County Crime Stoppers | Aug 15, 2023 | Captured
Parole Warrant
LKA 300 Tiffin Street, Greenville, Ohio 45331
DOB: 06-25-1985
Height: 6’0″
Weight: 185
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Left Elbow, Inner Arm, Left Knee and Right Knee
by Darke County Crime Stoppers | Aug 8, 2023 | Captured
Probation Warrant
LKA 591 N Main St., Apt. A., Ithaca, Ohio
DOB: 07-24-1997
Height: 5’9″
Weight: 162
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Brown
Tattoos: Left Inner Forearm: Ever Loyal
Right Inner Forearm: Cross with Wings

by Darke County Crime Stoppers | May 19, 2023 | Captured
Warrant/Parole Violation
LKA: 224 Central Avenue, Greenville, Ohio
DOB: 01-19-1996
Height: 5’09”
Weight: 150
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Tattoos: Right Hand: “It’s The Lies We Tell Ourselves”
